What is the Reserve Reactions?

If you don’t get picked for a gig right away, you may still have a shot. You’ll now be added to a reserve list, so if the client needs another freelancer, they can simply reopen the gig and find you ready to work.

What do you need to do?

Nothing new! It’s automatic. If you land on a reserve list, we’ll ping you with a notification. Just keep reacting to gigs you’re into, and even if you don’t match right away, you might get a second chance soon!

Be sure to set an automatic withdrawal period when you react to gigs. This way, you’ll avoid last-minute matches that could catch you off guard and lead to a no-show.

Tip: If you end up on the reserve list, consider upping your hourly rate. Clients reopening gigs at the last minute are often willing to pay more to get quality freelancers quickly.