As your own boss, there are important things to consider; 

Personal branding | You effectively ‘sell’ yourself, so you have to make sure that you come across as professional. The platform gives you the opportunity to collect ratings and reviews from businesses you worked for, as well as build up your attendance percentages. If you get a good rating and attend all of your gigs, you will likely be chosen sooner for the next gig by the same and other businesses!

Financial responsibilities | Your hourly rate includes holiday pay, your pension and business costs (including travel costs, parking costs and meal costs). After the gig, we will take care of the invoicing. You can choose between two options on how you want your invoice to be paid. If you choose to wait for the business to pay, you are responsible for following this up yourself.

Cancellation period and replacement | Are you unexpectedly unable to show up for a gig? No problem, you can always cancel the gig before the cancellation period ends. Has the cancellation period expired? Then you are fully responsible to find a suitable replacement. More information on the cancellation period can be found here.

Declaration Tax Authorities | As a freelancer you are responsible for your Income Tax, National Insurance Contributions, and potentially VAT return. You can read more about this here

Admin | As a freelancer, you are legally obliged to keep all administration documents for at least 22 months after the end of the tax year for which the tax return is for. You must keep a good record of all invoices and receipts that you receive. You can do this manually, but there are also apps that can help you with this.

Insurance | Normally, when you work as an employee, you are insured by your employer and the company holds liability. As a freelancer, this is not the case. We want to support you and therefore YoungOnes has partnered up with Onsi. This means that you are always insured for the gigs you work via the platform. You can read more about it here

Prepare | We suggest taking 15 minutes to research the business and gig, and make sure you are on time! A good start is half the battle and often results in a higher rating.

Communication | From the moment you are matched to a gig, all communication flows between you and the business directly. Always make sure you manage the communication well with the business as this can result in a higher rating as they will appreciate your responsible handling of all communication.