To get started as a Freelancer, you will need to create an account via the YoungOnes app. 

From downloading the app to reacting to gigs, these are the steps you need to take:

Step 1 Download the YoungOnes app from the App store or Play store.

Step 2 | Select ‘UK’ as your location.

Step 3 | Press 'Sign up now!'.

Step 4 | Provide an email address and create a password.

Step 5 | Complete your profile.

Step 6 | Choose a representative photo that you would also use for a resumé.

Step 7 | Fill in your details.

Step 8 | Enter your work experience.

Step 9 | Enter your National Insurance number or your UTR number. If you don't have a UTR number yet, no problem! You can complete the first five gigs without one.

Step 10 | Are you registered for VAT? If so, provide your VAT number. If not, click on "I do not have a VAT number".

Step 11 | Your profile is ready. Next step: complete the 15-minute introductory course via the app.

Step 12 | If you have successfully completed the introductory, you will go through an ID-check to verify your identity and check your right to work. Once this has been approved we will verify your account and you can start reacting to gigs!