Your profile is super important! This is the first impression a business gets of you. Therefore, we have some tips to make sure your profile looks great.

Profile picture | Make sure you have a representative profile picture. Your Instagram pictures at a festival or with a cocktail in hand are very nice, but is this photo suitable? We recommend using a professional picture and a nice smile goes a long way!

Percentages | Every time you attend or do not attend a gig that you have been matched to, it'll be reflected in the percentages displayed on your profile. Additionally, the number of times you send a replacement will also be visible on your profile. The best thing to do is to make sure you'll be available when you're reacting so that it does not negatively impact your percentages.

Work experience | Keep it short but comprehensive. State your previous positions, your (former) employers and the time frame. This will give the business a clear overview of your work experience. 

Rating | After each gig, the business will leave you a 1 to 5-star rating as well as an (optional) written review based on your performance. A high rating can be very helpful because this increases the chance that you will be selected faster for future gigs.

Be on time | We are stating the obvious here, but make sure you're on time. Check your travel schedule in advance to avoid delays and disruptions. If you unexpectedly cannot make it, please call your contact person to make sure they are informed.

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 to ask for tips directly from the successful freelancers of YoungOnes.